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Vision, Mission, Student Learning Outcomes

Mesa Verde High School Will Be The School Of Choice For All Citrus Heights Families.

Mission Statement
Our community provides diverse opportunities for all students to develop skills necessary to achieve their full potential through equitable access to rigorous curriculum, strategic support, and extended learning.

Student Learning Outcomes

Self-Directed Learners who:

  • Will use interpersonal skills to set SMART goals by creating individual academic plans
  • Will self-advocate for academic and social emotional support
  • Will be able to identify an appropriate support provider on campus
  • Will cultivate a growth mindset
  • Will demonstrate leadership skills in diverse settings: in the classroom, on campus, and within the community   
  • Will exhibit digital literacy by producing, interacting, and publishing online to reach a global audience

Community Contributors who:

  • Will participate in the pre-registration voting process
  • Will participate in on-campus club, athletic, academic, and extracurricular activities
  • Will improve behavior outcomes
  • Will improve wellbeing and health by participating in mindfulness and wellness programs and making improved food choices
  • Will create intellectual, artistic, practical, and physical products
  • Will increase personal responsibility by earning and purchasing items through work opportunities and participating in campus activities

Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers who:

  •  Will thoroughly comprehend and effectively write to adequately address literary and expository
     writing prompts
  •  Will demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills during both process-oriented and
     solution-focused activities
  •  Will work both individually and collaboratively on both specific problems and open ended problems
  •  Will demonstrate tenacity through the ability to sustain focused work on a single or multi-dimensional
     academic or social-emotional problem