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San Juan Unified has partnered with Naviance to provide valuable resources to the students at Mesa Verde High School. 

Through Naviance, students can:

  • Plan your classes for all 4-years of high school
  • Complete personality & strength questionnaires to identify their strengths, as well as see which careers best match up with those strengths
  • Investigate 1000+ careers and pathways
  • Research colleges throughout the United States, and abroad
  • Register for virtual college visits

Accessing Naviance
To access Naviance, you will find the app in your Google “waffle”

StrengthsFinder Assessment
There is more to life than being good at school!

Have you ever felt that you are good at things that are not focused on in your average high school experience?

Most employers are more interested in your "Soft Skills," how well you present yourself or interact with others, than what your GPA is (this is doubly true for entrepreneurial students thinking of being your own boss). However, most of us have a hard time identifying our strengths. 

Take the StrengthsFinder questionnaire to better learn who you are, and what careers you already have the skills for.  


Last Modified on October 6, 2020