General Terms and Positive Discipline
4x4 Block
4 classes each block (90 minutes each class)
2 blocks in a school year : Fall Block (August to December) and Spring Block (January to June) Each block is equivalent to 1 year of course work in a traditional school year (August to June)
4 terms in a school year [T1 (Fall Term) : T2 (Fall Term) : T3 (Spring Term): T4 (Spring Term)]
2 terms in each block.
Each term students can earn 5 credits for each class with a grade of “D” or better.
With passing grades, students earn 10 credits per class each block.
Required Courses
Courses needed for graduation.
Elective Courses
All courses that exceed the minimum high school graduation requirements.
A-G Requirements
Courses required for admissions by the UC/CSU systems.
See college entrance requirements page.
A report showing every class, credit and grade earned.
Transcripts are sent home at the end of each term.
This is also known as Academic/Guidance Report.
Grade Point Average: Determined by the number of classes taken and grade points earned.
Weighted Grades
A grading system under which Honors and Advanced Placement course grades are granted:
A – 5.0 B – 4.0 C – 3.0 D – 2.0
Unweighted Grades
A – 4.0 B – 3.0 C – 2.0 D – 1.0
Positive Discipline
Parenting is one of the most challenging experiences any of us will face in our lives. The audiobook Positive Discipline: Parenting Tools has some techniques you can uses to help your child life and social skills to be successful adults (feel free to download the m4a file after clicking the link).
"The tenets of Positive Discipline consistently foster mutual respect so that any child—from a three-year-old toddler to a rebellious teenager—can learn creative cooperation and self-discipline without losing his or her dignity."