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Applying to College

Nearly all careers require some type of education / training after graduating high school. When applying for college, it is critical to be aware of key dates and deadlines.

College Visits
Would you like more information about specific colleges? College representatives come to our school to make presentations and speak about the colleges they represent.  The dates and times for these visits are put in the school bulletin and posted in A-12 > The College & Career Center

Some college campuses have virtual tours and video presentations on their website.  

Community Colleges
To enroll at a California community college, students should be high school graduates. However, students should not wait until graduation to enroll at the community college of their choice. 

Note: Along with earning a 2-year Associates degree, most trade programs and apprenticeships are provided through local community colleges. 

Community colleges closest to Mesa Verde include Sierra College and American River College. To apply to either college, visit their website and click "Apply" at the top of their home site. Both involve creating an OpenCCC account.

Currently, the first two years of tuition at community college in California are free, IF students complete the FAFSA or California Dream Act form.

4-Year Universities
A-G Requirements

Graduating high school is not enough to qualify for admission to a public 4-year university. To meet the minimum admission requirements, students must meet the "A-G" requirements.

Most importantly - all A-G classes must have a grade of "C" or better. [Classes with F's or D's must be retaken to earn a better grade].

California State University (CSU)
To apply to a CSU, visit

Priority Applications for Fall 2021 can be submitted between October 1st - December 4th. 

University of California (UC)
To apply to a UC, visit

Applications can be started as early as August. However, applications can only be submitted between November 1st - November 31st.