The attendance office is the check-in point for all visitors on campus.
When coming on campus, please check-in to obtain a Visitors ID Badge.
Attendance Recording Line (24 hours): 916-971-5271.
Please call the recording line to report an absence instead of calling the attendance area personnel directly. Please make your message clear and easily understood - this is very much appreciated.
Please call the recording line to report an absence instead of calling the attendance area personnel directly. Please make your message clear and easily understood - this is very much appreciated.
Senior Reports and Records Clerk: Michelle Seruset
Reports and Records Phone => 916-971-5272
Attendance ICT: Liise Davis
Excused Tardies; Early Dismissals; Questions => 916-971-5296
Office Hours 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Location: Main Administrative Building (A-Building)
Frequently Asked Attendance Questions (FAAQ) For Parents
- How do I report absences?
- How long do I have to clear my child's absence?
- I thought I cleared my child's absence with the school, why am I getting these letters?
- What is the difference between and excused and an unexcused absence?
- My child is too sick to come to school, what do I do?
- If we have a family emergency will it be excused? Example: car broke down, family member in hospital
- I have a Chronic Absence form on file with the school, but I am still receiving letters for my child?
- What do I do if my child is refusing to go to school or is cutting class?
- What does truancy mean?
- Why is truancy such a big deal?
- Are tardies considered truancies?
- I received a truancy letter in the mail, am I going to get in trouble, what is going to happen?
- Can I get these truancy codes removed after 5 days?
- What is the School Attendance Review Board and why was I referred to them?
- Why did I get a CWA letter?
- Is there a way to access my child's attendance and grades?
- If my child's absences are excused does the school still receive reimbursement (A.D.A.)?