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School Clubs

School Clubs for 2024-2025

AVID Club (Achievement Via Individual Determination)
Advisor: Leslie Peoples [Mathematics & AVID Teacher]   Room: A-9
Meeting Day & Time:  During classroom hours within the AVID classes.
Purpose:  To support the activities of the AVID program.  To promote the AVID program to incoming students and to coordinate with colleges and universities the presentations of their recruiters.


Board Gaming, Card, and Chess Club
Advisor: David Fraga   Room: Library
Meeting Day & Time: Each First and Third Wednesday after the school day ends
Purpose:  The club has 32 board games available to play.  Some games involved two players, some games need four players, and other games can involve six or more players.  From Exploding Kittens, to Risk, to Catan, to Yahtzee, and many more, there is something for everyone.  All games have instructions for learning how to play.

There are standard card decks and Uno card desks to use for play.  Chromebooks are available to search for instructions on how to play any number of hundreds of available card games.  Try learning a new game that you and a friend can play.

We are currently living in a chess boom; the number of online chess players has increased nearly 200% in the last two years! Whether you watched The Queen’s Gambit or simply picked up the game during the pandemic, you are welcome to stop by, challenge fellow peers, and learn chess strategy.


Brown Issues (Hispanic Matters Focus)
Advisor: Ms. Rambo   Room: D28
Meeting Day & Time: Tuesdays at the lunch break
Purpose: Brown Issues is a state-wide organization dedicated to cultivating the next generation of Brown Leaders through civic engagement, healing, and narrative change. We Will #WakeTheGiant


BSU (Black Student Union)
Advisor:  Derek Belton [School & Community Intervention Assistant]
Meeting Day & Time:  Mondays at the Lunch Break Every Other Week
Purpose:  The Mesa Verde Black Student Union is an opportunity for students to find self-awareness, leadership skills, and connectedness. We also have guest speakers from the community to share entrepreneurial skills, leadership opportunities, and other culturally relevant connections.  The student will also attend virtual meetings with the Black Students of California United (BSCU).


Christian Club
Advisor: Marina Yeremuk [Mathematics Teacher]   Room:  A-23
Meeting Day & Time: Thursdays at the lunch break
Purpose:  To provide fellowship and spiritual support for Christians on campus, as well as reaching out to share the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ to anyone who may be interested. 


D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) Club
Advisor: Logan Reis   Room: D-36
Meeting Day & Time:  At lunch as announced in the bulletin or Contact the teacher
Purpose: Play D&D Sessions.  Newcomers welcome - we will teach you.


Drama Club
Advisor: Sean Melby [Drama Teacher]   Room: PAC Warehouse Office (Behind the stage area)
Meeting Day & Time: Every Tuesday at lunch
Purpose: To support Mesa Verde's Theatre department and productions through volunteering, fundraising, and encouraging students to audition for our shows.


Environmental Club
Advisor: Chris Cimino [Science Teacher]   Room: D-4
Meeting Day & Time: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday during lunch
Purpose: To bring awareness about environmental issues and to better our school and community through projects.  Future projects> organize a recycling system, cleanup, composting system, beautify our campus, water dispense project
Benefits: Honor chords; Community service hours
Social Media: Follow us on Instagram @ environmental_mvhs.


Equity Club
Advisor:  David Del Grande [Teacher]  Room: D-12
E-Mail:  David.DelGrande@sanjuan.
Meeting Day & Time: Every other Tuesdays at lunch in room D12.
Purpose: The Equity Club is a student led group that promotes community through equity. We serve as a safe place for all students to connect and discuss issues within our school campus. The objective is to create a more equitable environment for all students.


Key Club (Kiwanis Key Club International)
Advisor: Leslie Peoples [Mathematics & AVID Teacher]   Room: A-9
Meeting Place & Time:
Purpose:  The high school program for the Kiwanis International organization, a global group of adults dedicated to improving the lives of individual children and their communities.


Henna Club
Advisor: Laura Troppmann   Room: A-21
Meeting Day & Time: First and Third Wednesday of each month
Purpose: Learning how to do Henna and raising money by doing Henna at all games and during lunch.


Link Crew
Advisor: William Harrington [Health Teacher]   Room: C-2
Meeting Day & Time: Varied - announced in the bulletin and on posted flyers.
Purpose:  The Link Crew connects high achieving Juniors and Seniors with incoming Freshmen to help them adjust to high school life.  The Link Crew puts on events; including Freshmen Orientation, Study Sessions, and the Freshmen BBQ, to name a few.


Music Club
Advisor: Peter Mancina [VAPA - Band Teacher]   Room: A-3
Meeting Day & Time:  Wednesdays at the Lunch Break
Purpose:  To meet and discuss improvements to the Mesa Verde Music Program. We plan concerts, fundraisers, and curriculum with student input.


Punjabi Club
Advisor:  David Del Grande   Room: D-12
Meeting Place & Time:  Wednesdays at the Lunch Break
Purpose: Learning about and discussion regarding Punjabi culture.

Rainbow Alliance
Advisors: Grachelle To [Counselor]   Room: Counseling Office
Meeting Day & Time: @ Lunch as Announced in Room A-27
Purpose: To unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them at Mesa Verde and the surrounding community. 


Advisor: Rene Sanchez [English & Yearbook Teacher]   Room: K-301
Meeting Day & Time:  Last Friday of the month at lunch
Purpose:  The learn and share the process for the production of the school yearbook, including online publishing, editing, photography, and interviewing.  Training in the details to use the publishers online yearbook software, sharing ideas regarding advertising and fundraising.


Young Life Club
Advisor: Laura Troppmann [Student Government & Activities Director]   Room: A-21
Meeting Day & Time: Every First and Third Friday at the Lunch Break
Purpose: Talk about religious topics, play games, and laugh