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David J. Fraga  Teacher-Librarian   Site Technology Specialist   School Website Maintenance
My work hours: Monday to Friday  0815 to 1540   email: 
Library Counter Telephone: 916-971-5281    District Internal Extension Number: 210670
The library entrance is on the back side of the building, facing the fire lane.  Do not use the stairs facing the Quad area (It is a good workout!

Welcome to the Mesa Verde High School Library, where we encourage active study, exploration, and discovery of our world!  Our mission is to support the curriculum of Mesa Verde High School and to encourage and support the educational and personal goals of our students. Our aim is to ensure that all students, teachers, and staff members are effective users of ideas and information through reading, research, technology, and exploration of resources in a variety of formats.

Our Library includes 5 library-alcove computer workstations connected to black & white and color printers that students can use free of charge, Wi-Fi service for the library cart of 36 HP Chromebooks with Internet access, Google Suite access through student accounts, and online resources.  Students generally check out one or two library books at any time, and active readers can check out more at one time.

In our quest to encourage and support the development of literacy and reading skills, we provide students with a wide range of reading materials to meet students' needs, in an effort to foster a lifelong appreciation of books and reading.  There is a vast and diverse collection of non-fiction and reference books covering all academic areas, including literature, philosophy, sociology, sciences and mathematics, fine arts, history, and biographies.  We also offer an extensive number of volumes for recreational reading, such as fiction, personal growth, and fitness..

To know more about what Mr. Fraga does, watch this YouTube Video (Capstone Publishers): 
The Power of School Librarians

Library  Hours
Library Hours:

Opens before school at 0815         Open at the Lunch Break          Open after school until 1540
Open during the FIRST 70 MINUTES of each class period [adjusted for short-day Thursday schedule)
[Mr. Fraga uses the last 20-minutes of each class period as 'Prep Period' time]

CLOSED ALL THURSDAYS AFTER SCHOOL due to Teacher Professional Learning (PL) meetings.

Please note that the library is regularly used for an assortment of meetings and events: Textbook check-outs and check-ins, Counseling Office Student Registration Sessions, Student Senate, MAP testing, AP testing, ASVAB testing, CAST testing, CAASPP Testing, GEL Athletic Directors meetings, District meetings, Community Group meetings, and other uses that may make the library unavailable during instructional time.

Visitation during the instructional day, by individual students or by the entire class, is through the teacher contacting Mr. Fraga to verify that the library space is available. Individual students should bring an individual pass, and can stay for the first 70-minutes of a class period before returning to the classroom.  Classes that have reserved a class period in the library can stay for the entire 90-minutes.

Acceptable Use of the Library
While in the library, you are expected to be respectful of the library environment, and to honor the rights of all library users.  Acceptable use of the library is reading, studying, conducting research, checking out and returning materials, and appropriate activities relating to academics.  Unacceptable use of the library includes inappropriate socializing and disturbing others.  Please do not sit on the tables or on the floor. When done,  push in all chairs and leave your area in a neat and clean condition.

No loud talking.  You may discuss your work, but please keep the noise level to a minimum.

Food and drinks are permitted.  If garbage left at tables and on the floor becomes a problem, this policy will change.

Card or game playing is permitted in the library provided quiet play is maintained.

Do not re-shelve library books.  Kindly put the books on the black re-shelving cart.

Handle all library books and equipment with respect.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Monday, December 30
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Thursday, January 2
Friday, January 3
Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
Monday, January 6
Teacher Work Day
All Day
Mesa Verde HS
Tuesday, January 7
Wednesday, January 8
Thursday, January 9
Friday, January 10
Saturday, January 11
Sunday, January 12
Monday, January 13
Tuesday, January 14
Wednesday, January 15
Thursday, January 16
Dental Screening for Students
All Day
Mesa Verde HS
Friday, January 17
Saturday, January 18
Sunday, January 19
Monday, January 20
Tuesday, January 21
Point Break Assembly
All Day
MVHS Gebhardt Gym
Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
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Gebhardt (Small) Gym
Wednesday, January 29
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Quad Area
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PAC Building / Classrooms
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2